So sorry about the delay! The serial number of my Mini S is A50952LG50596.
I’ll just mention that I did download a driver package from Beelink that I believe is for this computer. I extracted it and added the files to the Windows Media install USB, but when I point the installation to the driver’s folder, it does not find anything it can use. I tried picking different driver files for RAID and WMD (I think) and other different drivers, but none of them worked to “find” the new NVME drive.
Also, I installed a SATA 2.5″ hard drive recently, and I was able to install Windows on that with no issues. But once in Windows, the system still does not see the new NVME drive physically installed in the system. I was able to install drivers from the downloaded drivers for all the “Unknown devices” in Device Manager, except for one. I’m guessing that might be the one I need, but I can’t seem to find it in the driver package I downloaded.
I have installed all the latest Windows updates, but I have not updated the firmware, if that might be an issue.
Thank you for your help!