myser8 Hi, I recently bought a SER8. The minipc freezes. The screen freezes, I can’t move the mouse, the keyboard freezes. I have to do a hard reboot. But it happens again after a few hours.
support1 myser8 Hi there, Could you please send us a picture of SN ? Please press delete key as soon as you turn on the PC, so that you can go to BIOS. Please send us a picture of the Main page. We will check if you need to update the BIOS.
support1 Please check the BIOS files in your private message. Please go to AMD website and download the auto-detect program. It will update some chipsets and video drivers automatically. It will identify and install appropriate drivers for their AMD hardware. The program works by scanning the user’s system to detect the installed AMD hardware components, such as graphics cards or processors. It then compares the detected hardware information with a database of AMD drivers and software versions.
izumitelj Hello! I have same problem as described by the user above. I’ve also tested without various usb periperals, I’ve also tested the memory and updated graphics drivers – but the problem persists. Can you send me latest stable bios and provide additional tips how to resolve this issue. Photos of the BIOS page and serial are here:
izumitelj Thanks! I’ve updated BIOS to the latest provided and updated graphic and few other drivers via AMD auto-detect program. I will report back if this solves the freezing issue.
izumitelj Stil no freezes 🤞, but I wanted to correct my first reply because I’ve misread something. My problem was not exactly the same issue as reported by user @myser8 . In my case Windows freezes but I’m still able to move mouse and the music or video still keeps playing for some time. But computer is unresponsive and I can’t click, use keyboard or do anything . Eventually computer crashes ending with BSOD (bugcheck: 0×00000133) and restart.
myser8 No freezing yet. But my speaker jacks in the back and front do not work. The speakers were working fine before the BIOS update.
support1 myser8 Hi there, please update the driver @izumitelj Hi there, You can try to adjust the VRAM to 8GB in the BIOS, here is the tutorial If it doesn’t work, how about your perform a reinstallation of the system ? Here is the image Here is the picture tutorial Here is the Video tutorial Please do to login the mega account when you download it. If you need a windows key , please let us know.
alsorew Hi! I think I have a similar problem and I’m trying to reinstall. Do I have to use the Windows 11 image you provide or latest from MS site will do? Also, do I need a new Windows activation key? I don’t think I can get the old one, I already formatted the drive 🙁 My SN:
support1 alsorew Hi there, You can use our image or the one from Microsoft. If you reinstall the system, you might need to reactivate your windows. You can request a key by then. Here is the tutorial reinstalling image from microsoft If you download our image from mega , please do not login your mega account.
alsorew support1 Thank you for your quick response! Windows is activated, I assume because the key is tied to hardware. Now to continue testing, hopefully no freezes! Happy Holidays!