I had similar problem once I have purchases the same device: after certain period of time WiFi connection started to degrade - problem has started with impossibility to connect to 5hz network, having only 2.5. I have WiFi 6 by the way. Then after driver update from Intel (AX200 module) I had connection with 5hz with constant drop of the speed to 0.5 mbps et cetera.
After reading of multiple forums and documentation, changing WiFi channels, reinstalling, I found an interesting info that USB 3 port not properly protected may interfere with WiFi. In the article (I have lost the link) it was mentioned that 2.5hz has impact. I realized that exactly before have connected my dell monitor usb hub using exactly usb 3 cable came together with monitor. Also having display port connected as output. I decided to check this idea and simply replaced usb 3a with usb c cable also from monitor. WiFi immediately started to work properly with the latest drivers from Intel. Hope this will help somebody.