Beelink SER8 (8845HS) ultimate FAN/NOISE optimization (FAN CURVE / RPM);
due to lack of time, I am delaying the implementation of SER8; I bought it because of the very good opinions about the cooling system and work culture; before buying I watched teardown and was positively surprised by the cooling design;
in practice, on default settings, the equipment keeps temperatures in check very well; Cinbench R23 and CPU temperatures max 80 degrees, great for me; the problem is that the equipment is not as quiet as I would like it to be;
the solution (to a large extent) is to implement these settings in BIOS:
**BIOS => Advanced => Hardware Monitor => Smart Fan Function => CPU Fan Setting:
Cpu Fan Mode: [Automatic mode]
SMF Temperature Limit of OFF: 35
SMF Temperature Limit of ON: 40
SMF Start PWM: 40
Full PWM Temperature: 90
SMF Slope PWM: 2**
the change will be surprising; the fan will spin all the time, so the rest of the components (air suction from the bottom by other elements) will have preserved circulation; but much quieter!
*this is not my idea, only implementation of reddit user carlosmeldano!