I just received my EQR yesterday. It came with a 500GB nvme, but while it was shipping I found I had a 1TB WD Black850. I pulled the furnished nvme so i could clone it to the 1TB nvme before initializing the computer. The original nvme was found below the bottom of the heat sink I figure you found. As I pulled more screws to remove that flat black plate with about 4 or 5 fins on the side to get to the Corsair nvme I saw it was put in suck that diodes and other small sodered on parts were showing. But it did not want to come up or out easily. I found about half way down the “stick” it was binding. Working gently, I pried it up and pulled it out of the slot (the Identifying tag was “upside down” and it appeared to me that it might have stuck to one of the WiFi antenna wires that snaked over/between two capacitors). That’s the one I think you are looking for.
The Mega link to the tutorial that support send you is quite good - but don’t try to view it directly from the web server. Download it locally, then view it. However, there’s another youtube video out there, but it’s “long-winded” and the ond support has made available is much quicker to watch.