Running into some connectivity issues on my GTi14 Ultra 9 185H when trying to connect to WiFi while hooked up to the external docking station.
I’ve confirmed that the WiFi connects normally whenever it’s not connected to the docking station, but when connected, it goes on a loop of attempting to connect.
This proves the same across both 2.4/5G connections.
For the 6G connection, it will connect but shows ‘No Internet, secured’.
Am I missing any updates or steps required to autilize the internet without issues when connected to the external docking station.
I have been able to connect to the WiFi twice so far while connected to the docking station, but every other attempt has proven to be problematic.
If I switch to a different connection once actually connected, I am faced with the same problems of being able to connect.
If any more information is required, please let me know.
Thanks in advance.