support1 Dear customers, If you need a windows activation key, please send your SN pictures or SN numbers to my private discussion. We will send you the key. Click my profile and start a private discussion.
JoKo support1 Please send me the WIN11 Pro activation key. SN: BN1005DH93463 MINI112S PRO-A-16512SD0W64PRO-B/XB Thanks a lot in advance.
CodeZero Hi support1, I cannot start a private discussion either, there is no option to do that. I tried two different browsers.
JameelPerkins Hi BEELINK I’m JameelPerkins asking can I use My Elgato hd60x on BEELINK EQ12 mini pc to Livestream My Nintendo switch console?
Pierre Hi, just out of curiosity as I would like to migrate my EQR6 to windows LTSC, do you provide such windows keys ? Thanks.
svit Hi @support1, I have not option to start private discussion. And I have the problem “Install driver to show hardware. Please select the driver you want to install to make your hardware discoverable” and I need activation key for windows 11. Help me please
Ivaylo Hello, Thank you for your great product. I just need my Windows 11 key in case of reinstall, thank you!