William Hello beelink I’ve purchase a ser8 and install linux with full erase. Now i need install windows 11 back, could you please provide me the windows 11 pro activate code? Here’s my sn info 99.CN3680934G10 SN:C88454JG10577 SER8-E-321TBVK0W64PRO-DP/XA
bluegrassbandit42 Hello, I have installed a larger hard drive in my new S12 Pro, and Windows fails to activate. Please, provide a key for activation. Thank you!
support1 bluegrassbandit42 Hi there, Please check your private message Brillo Please check your private message Brillo Please check your private message
Quinn Hi, I just reset my 6Max and windows fails to activate. Please provide a key for activation. Thanks
Игорь thank you very much. and another question is where can I find all the drivers and Windows itself if I need to reinstall the system.
Brillo I just did a Windows update on my new PC and it says that I need to Activate Windows and it won’t activate. Please provide a new key. Thanks!
phether We are trying to activate a new unit with Windows 11 Pro that it came with and Microsoft is stating it can not activate. I am including a picture of the Serial number on the back in hopes you can provide a valid Key Code for Windows 11 Pro.
support10 carjax Hello there, I have sent the key for you, please check the PM. Have a nice day! SGPark I’m sorry, but your machine is bare metal. We can not provide the corresponding key, we suggest that you can contact Microsoft official or your machine seller for help. Have a nice day!