Your solution response intrigues me. I just purchased an EQR, and though I’ve just set it up with Windows to replace an old unit my wife uses to watch old TV series, I’m thoroughly thinking about playing with it first and installing either Manjaro or ARCH on it. In the thinking process I’ve thumbed through the BIOS at least 3 times, noted and played with the BOOT sequence tab. What I don’t see that most Linux users at least used to look for is a CSM or Legacy + UEFI boot mode.
Did you try to set up your Linux drive to boot as UEFI? I admit I just keep updating old hardware when a significant change comes to a major peripheral type, or old hardware fails and what I find I can replace it with forces an upgrade. I’ve been running (playing with) Linux since I first compiled a kernel on an abandoned laptop back in 1994 using an external CD Drive! Although I’ve used Fedora, SuSE, Ubuntu and Mint over the years, I now use Manjaro for a basic desktop, but I dual boot also into ARCH (which I’ve actually had longer, but found being “cutting edge” sometimes can create hair pulling stress when an update borks the working machine. Manjaro still “gets me” once in a while, but it’s easier to back out of unless I get strict with “backup” every time before you do an update. I use ARCH to try out some new software to decide if it’s the best to use for my application and if it works. Once I dec ide I like it, then I’ll install it on my Manjaro partition.