Hi - I just recently got a new SER8 device, got everything up and running, have not touched or modified anything with the BIOS.
I downloaded Steam > Rust, then loading the game for the first time, I lowered all the settings to Max Low, as it was the first time and I wanted to begin “messing” with the in-game settings little by little. When I loaded into a Game, I experienced the following:
- In-Game Audio was “Choppy” or “Stuttering”.
- The Game itself would “freeze” sometimes, while maintaining 60 FPS and 20 MS.
- After maybe 10 minutes of the game running the SER8 automatically rebooted itself!
I waited for it to come back up, opened Steam > Rust > Loaded into a Server and BOOM! automatically rebooted itself again.
Rust is not a high-demanding game, much less with all Max Low settings.
Any advice or tips on what I need to change on the configurations to avoid the SER8 from rebooting itself constantly? I did “setup” the AMD Adrenaline for “Best Performance”, but that’s about all the “configurations” that I’ve done outside the game.