support1 Hi there, Could you please also offer us the numbers under BN1004HF30474? We will send you the key. Here is the image Here is the picture tutorial Here is the Video tutorial
b2nc2 support7 Thanks, not sure if I’m looking in the wrong place but it seems I can’t a link to the private messages on this board.
aftalavera I need to reinstall Windows 11 pro on my new powerful mini. SN:BN1004LG1291 Thanks!
Nigel Hi Also need Activation key for win11 pro on mini PC please,  ](https://) Thanks
___F___ Hello, I had problems with the BIOS and need the activation key. I would like to send you the number or a picture of it in a private message.
support1 ___F___ Hi there, What is the wrong with the BIOS ? Please send us a picture of the SN on the bottom of the PC, we will send you the key.
___F___ support1 Hello, everything is fine with the BIOS. It was a user error regarding the security boot function (I was in an endless loop).