b2nc2 support7 Thanks, not sure if I’m looking in the wrong place but it seems I can’t a link to the private messages on this board.
aftalavera I need to reinstall Windows 11 pro on my new powerful mini. SN:BN1004LG1291 https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipOvkFSWKRY3iqI-07U0U7XrXYyh9g_fQEMgoTE6 Thanks!
Nigel Hi Also need Activation key for win11 pro on mini PC please,  ](https://) Thanks
___F___ Hello, I had problems with the BIOS and need the activation key. I would like to send you the number or a picture of it in a private message.
support1 ___F___ Hi there, What is the wrong with the BIOS ? Please send us a picture of the SN on the bottom of the PC, we will send you the key.
___F___ support1 Hello, everything is fine with the BIOS. It was a user error regarding the security boot function (I was in an endless loop).